Indian Biodiversity Information System (IBIS) is a series of web-based, modular and searchable biodiversity portals, designed to compile and present in a comprehensive and scientifically accurate manner the available information on Indian flora and fauna which is readily accessible, free and user-friendly. IBIS is largely based on citizen science and aspires to facilitate the participation of amateurs in gathering scientific data and building a free resource on Indian biodiversity. It foresees the involvement of various groups of stakeholders ranging from amateur naturalists to wildlife enthusiasts, to researchers, ecologists, wildlife scientists, wildlife managers, students, government officials, photographers and interested members of the public in this pioneering venture. Currently IBIS hosts portals on avian, mammalian and angiosperm species from the Indian region.

Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps)

Critically Endangered by hunting and loss of its habitat, today perhaps as few as 250 individuals survive and the species is on the brink of extinction.

Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica)

The Asiatic lions once ranged from the Mediterranean to the northeastern parts of the Indian subcontinent, but excessive hunting, water pollution, and decline in natural prey reduced their habitat, Now only place in the wild where this species is found is in the Gir National Park of Gujarat, India.

Forest Owlet (Athene blewitti)

Endemic to central India. Until its rediscovery in 1997, it was thought to be Extinct. It has a tiny, severely fragmented population, known from fewer than 12 recent locations.

Indian Desert Jird (Meriones hurrianae)

Rodentia is a largest order of mammals in the world which includes squirrels, rats, mice, voles, gerbils, hamsters, dormices, porcupines etc. Approximately 103 species found in India.

Bristled Grassbird (Chaetornis striata)

Bristled Grassbird is endemic to the Indian subcontinent, where it is patchily and locally distributed in India, Pakistan, and Nepal. This grassland specialist has a small, rapidly declining population owing to the loss and degradation of its grassland habitat, primarily through drainage and conversion to agriculture.

Visit AVIS - IBIS Portal

The Avian Information System (AVIS) is the first in the series of web-based portals under IBIS, for sharing and bringing together the plethora of information available on Indian birds, on a common platform. Launched in December 2010, it is the first step towards creating a vast and a free resource base on the country's biodiversity. AVIS-IBIS aims at encouraging studies on the natural history and ecology, gather population and distributional data in a centralized database, and spread awareness about conservation of the avian species. AVIS comprises of species level information on approximately 1,331 bird species belonging to various regions of India. It is designed for a wide range of stakeholder groups, ranging from amateur wildlife enthusiasts to serious researchers.

Visit IBIS - Mammals Portal

IBIS-Mammals is the latest in a series of web portals envisaged under IBIS. It is a web-based information system comprising scientific species-level information on approximately 423 species of Indian mammals. A user-friendly system, IBIS-Mammals provides the status, distribution, habitat and all other mammal related information on a single platform, aiding species conservation and promoting public participatory data sharing for conservation. It is also an excellent online resource for biodiversity education and awareness. The portal has 75,000+ museum records of mammals in India, supplemented by Geographical Information System (GIS) maps of all museum records as geo-spatial layers, overlayed on the Distribution Maps.

Visit IBIS - Flora Portal

The natural beauty and fragility of the Indian flora is one of the most pristine in the whole world. It is rich in endemic species pertaining to about 130 genera. At present the portal contains working checklist of angiosperms of India for about 21,000 taxa belong to 3667 genera, 271 families and 50 orders. It contains distribution maps for more than 14000 species and has more than 65,000 Bibliography from regional Flora. It has been tried to provide correct orthography of botanical names. It offers details of place of publications of angiosperms along with abbreviations of authors' names as per the international standards and a centralized repository of bibliography of around 1, 65, 000+ citations, covering major publications from India and world across. Further IBIS-Flora has data of photographs, book excerpts, IUCN, NCBI, Biodiversity heritage library and ReFindit. The main aim of compiling this database is to provide baseline data for the Flora of India.